Q & A - so I thought I would try to answer some of the questions I get about volunteering!
Why do so many people only choose to do volunteer work during the holiday seasons?
Could be because that is the greatest need during the holiday depending on where you live - the holiday season since that's when the weather is brutally cold and people can't glean for food, find a source of drinking water, or find a warm place to sleep. November - Feb is when food banks, shelters, soup kitchens are strained which may account for why so many people volunteer during those times.
Not just because we are struggling financially as a nation, that people are homeless?(right) I am just wondering why is it people are fixed on seasonally signing up to do volunteer work and then it's mainly for the many soup kitchens?
Again, I do believe that really depends on where you live, you are correct people were homeless long before however the numbers show us they are up because of the increase of JOB loss as well. Most (soup kitchens - have the means to help more folks that is the main reason why - they house the folks and get them a step plan to help them back onto their feet in most cases! And they can feed the ones who stand in the lines 3 meals a day - and this is an easy way for a lot of folks to get involved 365 days out of the year - with little time needed so thus why they volunteer more at soup kitchens - the work is fairly easy and only a couple of hours per shift!
Why does volunteering have to be seasonal when it's needed 365 days a year every year?
I for one have many causes close to my heart and volunteer year round. (ha ha) and I think that all of us should! hint hint - though really -------- People have busy lives and have a hard time finding time to volunteer, or maybe they haven't found that special cause they just have to be a part of. Holiday time brings out the best in most people as we think of getting together with family and friends and share time together...inevitably we also think of the less fortunate and actually find the time to commit to making others lives a little better.
You are right...we need more volunteers on an ongoing basis in many areas...a lot of non-profit organizations can not provide the services they do without the assistance from volunteers. What great questions...I hope it sparks some people to think about a cause that is close to them and go seek out a volunteer cause and or help with many of them. Volunteering is fantastic for so many reasons! and always remember you never know when that someone could be YOU!
Happy volunteering :)
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