Help even if it is not Food Month for you're area of town! All across the nation we have people go without food on a daily basis!
Here in Northeast Florida - I am helping out we have food bins placed in areas of town so that people can donate - it is easy - this is how when you go shopping pick up that extra can of veggies and or rice most stores have the buy one get one free so you can donate the other item to your local Food bank - to find them search for Food Bank in your town to see the one near you!
Second Harvest (now known as Feeding America)
Mission Statement
The mission of Second Harvest is to distribute food and grocery products to hungry Americans and to educate the public about the causes and possible solutions to problems of domestic hunger.
The Second Harvest Food Bank, a program of Lutheran Social Services, serves needy families in 18 counties of North and Northeast Florida. We operate by distributing food both directly to individuals and to other nonprofit charities. The food that volunteers help sort benefits almost 600 organizations and serves more than 160,000 people each day.
This food bank is a member of over 200 food banks across the nation that serves the needy. Our food handling, distribution, and donations are closely monitored. You are volunteering for a wonderful organization and you can truly know where your effort will go.
The Second Harvest Food Bank is a first responding organization to all crisis situations including personal crisis, hurricane, natural and/or national disasters, as well as other weather related events. If you are reading this description during a time of disaster, please call us for the current opportunities.
One dollar donated to Second Harvest generates six meals, or the equivalent of two days of food for a person in need. By establishing relationships with large food suppliers like ConAgra and others, Second Harvest is able to purchase an enormous volume of food and stretch each dollar incredibly far. And because of our lean staff and the generosity of our volunteers, more of every donation goes directly to our programs -- not to overhead.
Second Harvest serves nonprofit agencies in the following 18 counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee and Union.
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