National Random Acts of Kindness Week held February 9-13!
What is a Random Act of Kindness?
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is the heart of the kindness movement whose aim is to help everyone create a better world by spreading awareness and increasing engagement in kind actions.
Randomactsofkindness.org is a platform where media, education, community, social networking and entertainment connect people with inspiration, tools, resources, organizations and a larger support network to help them take action, get involved, harvest and share the benefits of kind actions in their daily lives and society. Randomactsofkindness.org is dedicated to providing users with dynamic means to teach, learn, collaborate, grow and communicate the kindness they care about in their unique ways.
Here are some easy and fun things you can do!
Say Good Morning to someone!
Smile at someone!
Ask someone how they are really doing!
Tell someone they look beautiful today!
Hold the door for them going in some place!
Ask someone else about their day!
Leave a water bottle for your mail carrier!
Buy a cup coffee!
Cook a meal for someone!
Give care packs to the homeless!
Pay for someones dry cleaning bill!
Donate to a worthly cause on behalf of someone else!
Pay for a meal for someone else while you are getting your meal!
The possibles are endless think of one or more things to do this week to share an act of kindness!
Have a great week!
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