National Volunteer Blood Donor Month
January is National Volunteer Blood Donor Month (NVBDM). To increase awareness of blood donation the nations leading blood donation organizations, America's Blood Centers, AABB, and the American Red Cross, have joined together to promote NVBDM. First-time and regular donors are encouraged to make a difference to their communities by scheduling an appointment to give blood this January. Remember, just one pint of blood can help save up to three lives.

National Mentoring Month
National Mentoring Month (NMM) highlights mentoring and the positive impact it can have on young lives. Spearheaded by the Harvard Mentoring Project, MENTOR and the Corporation for National and Community Service, the first-ever NMM was held in January 2002. This month-long outreach campaign focuses national attention on the need for mentors, as well as how each of us- individuals, businesses, government agencies, schools, faith communities and nonprofits can work together to increase the number of mentors and assure brighter futures for our young people.

National Poverty in America Awareness Month
One in six American children still lives below the poverty line. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CDHD) invests in community-based solutions. They know no religious boundaries. They support projects that break the poverty cycle for good.

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) founded in 1997 is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to serving women with, or at risk for, cervical cancer and HPV disease. Over 4,000 members have joined the NCCC; Members include women and family members/caregivers/friends, women's groups, cytotechnologists, pathologists, clinicians, laboratories, technology companies, cancer researchers, hospitals, organizations providing cervical cancer screening programs, and other related
Find it in you're heart to give and or volunteer!
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