Dear March of Dimes Volunteer:
My wife, Ingrid, and I are expecting our second child very soon. Like other expectant parents, we were surprised to find out that babies most often get pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough, from their parents or siblings. In some cases, it can be fatal for infants. That's why we have teamed up with the March of Dimes and Sanofi Pasteur on the Sounds of Pertussis Campaign, to help educate other parents about the importance of getting an adult Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis) booster to help protect their families.
The national Campaign kicked off in June, and the momentum continues with some exciting events, including:
• The Mayor of New York City has proclaimed today, August 5, Pertussis Awareness Day. To commemorate this observance, the campaign will have a special Sounds of Pertussis booth at Military Island in Times Square. For more information, please visit SoundsofPertussis.com.
• Today, August 5, we're also launching the Sound Off About Pertussis™ song contest, which challenges everyone to raise pertussis awareness through song. To view the contest rules, see our exciting prizes and join in, please visit SoundsofPertussis.com/songcontest.
I also encourage you to contact your local March of Dimes chapter to learn more about what you can do to lend your voice to this important initiative. We can't stop pertussis fast enough.
Jeff Gordon
Sanofi Pasteur is a proud sponsor of March for Babies.
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