
Happy Fall

What does fall mean to you?

Fall can be a wonderful time of the year, if you make it wonderful!

This season can be used for connecting with friends or family over a cup of coffee or tea with cookies.

Fall can also be used to simply relax by a fireplace or fire pit with a good book, blanket and a cup of tea or hot coco.

Fall is also a good time of the year to reflect and plan, the stillness in the air can keep you focus, try it..you may start doing this every year!

Fall can also be good for volunteering - from being a volunteer for so many years I always see an increase during the fall months - so go out and find your passion and volunteer - remember you never ever know when you may be the person needing the help!

For me:

I do all the above during fall plus I love to listen to uplifting music and clean out the house of all the old and start anew - and did I really stress (in a good way) to volunteer - it really does relieve stress (no punt intended) - thanks for volunteering!

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