
Take part in this Easy Project right in your area!

2008/2009 Everyday Heroes Project

Go Visit it only takes a few seconds to swing by one of the following places

Local Fire Department
Local Police Department
EMT Dispatch Center

In addition, you could visit any other service places within your area of town!

Take cookies, cakes, pies, etc. with you. This is an effort to say "Thank You" to the unsung heroes who perform miracles everyday. Take along your camera and friends can go with you as well. You can personally bake the goodies or get your local Wal-Mart, K-Mart or grocer to donate the items. You can visit any local department at any time they are always welcoming and invite you to look at the Fire Trucks, police cars, etc. Also, you can make appointments to meet with them and tour the grounds... Make it a family event or Birthday party event you could learn something new. Who knows maybe someone you know may be or become as one of those unsung heroes!

Most of all volunteer your time it only takes a little time from your day as you run those errands of the afternoon!

Thanks for volunteering!

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