The Attorney General is unlocking the facts to child abduction, runaway issues, and online computer safety. No one likes to think about something bad happening to a child. But the reality is that thousands of children are reported missing every year. The goal of the Attorney General's Office is to protect the people of our state, especially our children.
National Missing Children's Day
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's (NCMEC) mission is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
More Information: http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PublicHomeServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US
Homemade DNA Kit:
How To
A do-it-yourself DNA kit is designed to provide valuable information to law enforcement should your child ever become missing. In the event you should ever need to have the DNA developed, law enforcement will assist you with that process.
*1 zip-lock freezer bag * 1 inexpensive plastic comb
* 3 gauze squares or Q-tips * 1 baby tooth * Fingernail clippers
· Run a cheap plastic comb through child's hair. Leave all loose hair in the comb and drop the comb and hair into freezer bag.
· Use 1 gauze square or Q-tip and swab it inside the child's right cheek. Repeat this procedure swabbing the inside of the left cheek. Drop both swabs into the bag.
· Use the remaining gauze the next time your child skins a knee to preserve a sample of his/her blood. Place this into the bag, also.
· Clip the child's fingernails and place the clippings in the bag.
· If your child has lost any baby teeth, place one into the bag as well.
· Label the bag with your child's name and place the entire kit into your freezer. The kit should be well preserved for years if it remains frozen.
Parents, this is information to keep with you at all times in case your child becomes missing.
*Keep a complete description of your child. Write it down because in a stressful situation you may not remember details very well. This description must include color of hair, color of eyes, height, weight, and date of birth. In addition the descriptions should include identifiers such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, braces on teeth, pierced ears, and other unique physical attributes. The complete description must be written down.
*Take color photographs of your child every six months. Photographs should be of high quality and in sharp focus so that your child is easily recognizable. Head and shoulder portraits from different angles, such as those taken by school photographers, are preferable, but make certain you have a photograph that most resembles your child.
*Candid photographs may be more representative of how your child looks than a posed shot.
*If possible, take a picture of your child against a height chart.
*Take pictures of your child smiling and not smiling.
*Talk to your children about the dangers of wandering off alone and to not talk to strangers.

Morgan Age progressed to 18
At 10:45 p.m. on June 9, 1995 in Alma, Arkansas, 6-year-old Morgan Nick was abducted from a little league ball game by an unidentified man. She was attending the game with her mother and had joined some friends to catch lightning bugs. Morgan was last seen standing near her mother's car where she had stopped to empty sand from her shoes.
Witnesses observed a man watching the youngster as she was playing with other children at the park. The witness also saw a red Ford pickup with a white camper parked nearby that disappeared at about the same time as Morgan. The camper is possibly damaged at the right rear, and was described as four or five inches too short for the truck, which has a short wheel base and paint dulled by age. The truck is believed to have Arkansas license plates.
The man was described as white, 6 feet tall, with a medium to solid build, a mustache and a 1-inch beard. At the time, he was believed to be 23-38 years old.
At the time of her disappearance, Morgan was approximately 4 feet tall, about 55 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Morgan had 5 visible silver caps on her molars. She was last seen wearing a green Girl Scout t-shirt, blue denim shorts and white tennis shoes.
A massive investigation has turned up thousands of leads, but still no solid clues to the whereabouts of Morgan Nick or her abductor. The FBI and local communities have offered a $60,000 reward for the recovery of Morgan Chauntel Nick and the identification, arrest and conviction of subject or subjects responsible for her abduction.
The search continues to move forward. There have been numerous possible sightings of Morgan across the United States. Morgan's parents believe that Morgan is still alive and hope that with continued media coverage, someone will be able to provide them with information that could bring their daughter home.