Happy New Year!
What a great opportunity to leave the past behind and start with a clean slate!
I love this time of the year when we can reflect on previous accomplishments and failures, and commit to making some positive advancements or changes in many aspects of our lives.
How will you start off this year?
I really believe that 2010 is a great year for community and humanity.
Let me challenge you as we enter this first week that is often filled with resolutions, hopes and dreams:
As we enter 2010, Will It Change You? Or will you be right back to your old self by February?! What value can we offer to other people this year?
Have a great year, you deserve it!
Pay It Forward
A few years ago I watched Pay It Forward, a movie from the year 2000 based on the novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
While the movie probably could have been improved upon in it’s delivery of the theme, the concept of paying it forward is really intriguing.
The basic premise of the movie is as follows:
An 11-year-old schoolboy in Las Vegas, Nevada named Trevor McKinney (Haley Joel Osment) is given a class project to complete by his social studies teacher, a man with terrible burn scars on his face and neck. His task is to come up with a plan that will change the world through direct action.
On his way home from school later that day, Trevor notices a homeless man, and decides to make a difference in his life. Trevor then comes up with the plan to “pay it forward” by doing a good deed for three people who must in turn each do good deeds for three other people, creating a charitable pyramid scheme. (Wikipedia)
I don’t wish want to be unrealistic about this concept, or find recruits for the “together we can change the world!” foundation, but here’s what I love about paying it forward: it’s all about taking action rather than talking about doing good things.
There’s a whole heap of things we can do to pay it forward in the real world.
How can we pay it forward?
Just off the top of my head, here’s a couple ideas:
Buy someone lunch
Give someone some movie tickets
Wash a car (that’s not yours!)
Buy Eric Hamm & Leo Babauta’s new Motivation Handbook
Give someone a massage (ooh la la!)
Cook up a storm in the kitchen (3min noodles don’t count)
Take the Smile-Therapy Challenge!
Give away some free advertising on your website
Any other suggestions? I bet you could think of something and or somehow to pay it forward!
Let me ask you: Has anyone done something remarkable for you recently?
More importantly, what have you done this week to Pay It Forward?
GO volunteer it does the body good!
Have a great NEW YEAR!
Love JO