On Saturday, May 9, Campbell Soup Company will join forces with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) to Stamp Out Hunger!™ across America in order to provide assistance to the one in eight Americans who struggle with hunger.
The Stamp Out Hunger! effort is the nation's largest single-day food drive, having collected more than 909 million pounds of food since its inception in 1993. Last year, letter carriers across the country collected a record total of more than 73.1 million pounds of food, but with hunger impacting many Americans – including working families, children and the elderly – help is needed now more than ever before.
To help Stamp Out Hunger! this year, simply leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, like canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal, next to your mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery on May 9. Food items should be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans. The nation’s 230,000 letter carriers will be collecting donations from homes across the country and delivering them to food bank members of Feeding America (formerly America’s Second Harvest – The Nation’s Food Bank Network) and other hunger relief organizations in more than 10,000 local communities.
“In these difficult economic times, hunger is an issue that must be addressed in every community across our country,” said William H. Young, NALC president. “We see it daily out on our routes. That’s why now more than ever before we need everybody’s help to make a real difference.”
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 36 million Americans live in food insecure households, and approximately one in every three of these Americans is a child. Additionally, a recent survey of Feeding America food bank members reported a 30 percent increase in requests for emergency food assistance. The reasons cited for this dramatic increase in demand included rising cost of food, increasing unemployment and underemployment, the cost of fuel and the burden of mortgage or rent costs.
Food banks are also notoriously empty during summer months, having exhausted the supply of donations received from food drives conducted during the holidays that are then distributed during spring. Summer donations are even more critical since many children in need no longer have the benefit of their school lunch program.
“When schools let out for summer, many children will no longer receive daily meals through the National School Lunch Program,” said David Arquette, chairman of Feeding America’s Entertainment Council. “Please join me, my wife Courteney and millions of other generous Americans on Saturday, May 9th by placing a food donation next to your mailbox for the Letter Carrier’s Food Drive to help Stamp Out Hunger! Your contribution will benefit the food bank members of Feeding America as well as other hunger relief organizations across the country.”
As part of its support for the drive, Campbell will donate one million pounds of food to food banks across the country and is sponsoring a reminder postcard mailing sent to 120 million homes.
“Our corporate mission is to nourish people's lives everywhere, every day,” said Sean Connolly, President, Campbell USA. “Campbell’s ongoing commitment to the letter carriers’ food drive allows our company to make a meaningful contribution towards resolving the critical issue of hunger that continues to impact nearly every community in America. I hope millions of Americans will join us once again on May 9 to help Stamp Out Hunger! as the need is greater than ever.”
For more information about the annual Stamp Out Hunger! effort in your community, ask your letter carrier, contact your local post office or visit www.helpstampouthunger.com.
About Campbell Soup Company
Campbell Soup Company is a global manufacturer and marketer of high-quality foods and simple meals, including soup, baked snacks, and healthy beverages. Founded in 1869, the company has a portfolio of market-leading brands, including “Campbell’s,” “Pepperidge Farm,” “Arnott’s,” and “V8.” For more information on the company, visit Campbell’s website at www.campbellsoup.com.
About Feeding America (Formerly America's Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network)
Feeding America provides low-income individuals and families with the fuel to survive and even thrive. As the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our network members supply food to more than 25 million Americans each year, including 9 million children and 3 million seniors. Serving the entire United States, more than 200 member food banks operate 63,000 agencies that address hunger in all of its forms. For more information on how you can fight hunger in your community and across the country, visit www.feedingamerica.org.
Remember to put your items near your mailbox for the letter carrier to pick up Saturday May 9, 2009.