I recently read an article in the newspaper which, basically, asks you to reflect on what goals you set forth last year and how close you came to accomplishing everything you envisioned. What struck me though was the part that stated, without writing down your goals and devising a time line to achieve them, you would probably fall short, especially when it came to personal goals and health goals. We often put our own needs and health on the back burner and wonder why each year we are repeating the same New Year’s resolutions with little success. You must devise a plan and stick to it. Your health is dependent on it. That is what I plan on doing this year, writing everything down and sticking to a plan.
Let's see if I do what I am saying... I will try to keep you all updated as much as I can... I also wanted to send some intresting reading to you all as well this was sent to me via email from a local group I am apart of in Jacksonville this is from the newsletter and an invite to a luncheon for this year (2009)
No-Holds-Barred Approach to Prosperity, By Sheryl Lynn
Whoops you did it again! Things were cruising along just fine, you felt like you were on track with your business, personal life, relationships and then the bomb drops. Maybe you put your foot in your mouth at a Christmas party. Perhaps you made the wrong decision on your stock market speculations or maybe your new venture is turning out to be a complete disaster. Whatever it was that went wrong, it sent you spinning backwards while questioning your dreams and hopes for your future. 2009 is the year that FREEDOM WILL RING for you, if you let it.
There really is a clear and distinct difference between those who succeed beyond belief and those who just meander around in occasional success. The key words are “beyond belief” and a no-holds barred approach to prosperity.
First, a no-holds barred approach to anything is going forward without restrictions or rules. Now that is not to say you should break laws by any means, but it means to let go of societal beliefs that you have put upon yourself and free yourself of self regulated rules that are holding you back from freedom and a life filled with prosperity.
In the USA TODAY, December 12th, 2008 in an article entitled, Marisa Tomei: A no-holds-barred acting job in 'Wrestler' where she is quoted saying, "Someone gave me a hula hoop two years ago. It feels really good, and it's really calming. I bring one to all sets now," she says. "You're waiting and you have all that extra energy and you want to stay focused and relaxed and something about that hoop — you do it and it calms you down. Honestly, it's the best thing."
Marisa Tomei is an anti-exhibitionist. She's self-contained and soft-spoken, best known for her role in My Cousin Vinny, yet as indicated above she is centered, knows herself well, loves what she does and does it well while not caring what anyone else thinks of her. Marisa has thrown out the traditional rules and regulations that most put on themselves and she just goes out and lives life surrounding herself with self-love and unconditional love for herself and others.
Many times we don’t pursue something because we set conditions around it based on our beliefs. Imagine yourself going out to a networking experience. You spend ample time getting ready because this is a big event. Then on the way over you say to yourself, “Gees, I should have worn my brown shoes.” “What if I don’t know anyone when I get there?” “Who really cares about what I have to offer anyway.” “Gosh, I am tired; I should just go home as this probably will be a waste of time anyway.” All of this is simply this; YOU not loving YOU enough to live the life that you really want.
When we put so many rules upon yourself, you are just prolonging success. Living an abundant and prosperous life is happening for right now for millions of people regardless of the economy, regardless of what is on the news, regardless of what others say. Prosperity in our relationships, business life, community, financial arena, global relations, etc…all comes down to how much we can let go of past and limiting beliefs and just allow ourselves to LOVE unconditionally, mostly ourselves - without condition, regulation and rules.
Here are three steps to live 2009 with a personal no-holds-barred approach to prosperity.
1. When others give you a hard time, just know they are hungry and you have a lot of food to give them. FEED THEM with kindness, love, or whatever else they need. Don’t hold back. When you love them, you love you.
2. Focus on what you need to DO to be successful – my friend Steve Waterhouse told me ask myself this everyday…”What if you KNEW you would be successful tomorrow, what would you do today?
3. Surround yourself with people who are what you wish to become. Phone those who are doing what you want to do and living the life you only now wish for. Ask them to have coffee and get permission to pick their brain. They will be honored you asked. Do this often and watch what happens.
You will find deep respect for yourself when you are living life doing the very best for yourself. When you have this respect and unconditional love, all the others around you will benefit beyond belief and they too will begin to live a life with a no-holds-barred approach to prosperity! Let Freedom Ring in 2009 in both your heart and mind.